0031 (0)33 4621150

Our expertise

Inview Veldwerk is specialized in performing fieldwork for quantitative research and recruitment for all types of market research. Our fieldwork is set-up and accompanied by experienced project managers. Our team consist of with a wide range of interviewers, from different ages with their own specialty and experience.
For recruitment of respondents, we make use of our own consumer panel.

We exceed in all types of research like taste tests and exit-interview. But we can also be of service at home-usage tests. We have access to laptops, tablets and our own questionnaire software that can be used online as well as offline. The options are endless!

If you are looking for a research facility you can book one of our studios at our centrally located facilities in Amsterdam and Amersfoort.  
We provide the best quality in service and comfort to our customers. Our location are equipped with high-end digital recording with picture-in-picture window feature, livestreaming, climate control and stable and free WiFi connection. The icing on the cake is that we have a relax area with a bar for breaks and chats.

In short: We are the best partner for market research in the Netherlands.

Our Team

Richard Zohlandt
Richard Zohlandt
Gwen van Maanen
Gwen van Maanen
Corina van de Bunt
Corina van de Bunt

>About us

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